Friday, September 20, 2013

This Week in Outdoor Policy - September 20th

Tom Flynn tracks policy related to conservation and recreation for the Outdoor Alliance. Most Fridays, he summarizes the week’s top outdoor policy related headlines. With questions, news tips and angry hate mail, email him at tom [at] outdooralliance [dot] net.

This Week in Outdoor Policy - September 20th

Unpopular Utah Oil Lease Put on Hold
Last month, Utah’s School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration - SITLA, revealed that the Book Cliffs had been leased for oil and gas development. This backroom deal drew the ire of many, including hunters and anglers that love the place, as well as some unexpected characters like Governor Herbert and Representative Bishop. Now, thanks to their efforts, the decision has been put on hold. While this is something of a victory for the balance between development and protected places, the root problem remains – SITLA’s only goal is to maximize profits from the land it manages. With no consideration for any long term, sustainably profitable uses of the land (like hunting and fishing) and no way for people to voice their opinions, a decision like the Book Cliffs is sure to happen again. This realization has some calling for deeper reforms. A good place to start could be the diversity of the SITLA board. Right now, according to a supporter, this board is “made up of qualified businessmen and good-thinking men.” First, there is no reason the board should only include men, and second, what about an angler on the board? Or even an environmentalist? Overall, while this reversal is good news for the outdoors, it would be even better if everyone that opposed the Book Cliffs lease took a moment to think about all the other things – rolling back environmental safeguards, giving public land to the States – that ultimately lead to exactly the same sort of bad decisions.

Glimmer of Hope for Proposed Pebble Mine
Some limited good news from Alaska’s Pebble mine this week, with one of the two companies pursuing the project backing out. The Pebble mine is the site of a high stakes environmental battle, and no, they aren’t talking about mining pebbles. The deposit is mindboggling, containing billions of pounds of copper and molybdenum and millions of ounces of gold, all worth $48 billion. Problem is, the mine would be right at the headwaters of the world’s two most productive salmon rivers, on the shores of Bristol Bay. Those that want to save the rivers, the fish, and the local tribes that rely on them hope that the Environmental Protection Agency will use its well-established powers to pull the plug on the project. A report from the Agency earlier this year bodes well, but they are attacked at every step. The remaining half of the business interests vows that it will continue to pursue the mine, meaning this battle is far from over.

Federal Land, Federal Pot Rules
Lastly, in less related outdoor policy news, if you live in Washington or Colorado, remember: despite the recent legalization of pot, it is still illegal on Federal public land like national parks and forests. Even though the Obama administration has said they have higher priorities than those following State marijuana laws, Federal law still stands on Federal lands. This includes highways on Federal land bordering national parks. Though the rate of citations has not increased, the level of confusion certainly has.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This Week in Outdoor Policy - September 6th

Tom Flynn tracks policy related to conservation and recreation for the Outdoor Alliance. Most Fridays, he summarizes the week’s top outdoor policy related headlines. With questions, news tips and angry hate mail, email him at tom [at] outdooralliance [dot] net.

Montana Also Opposes Fracking Regulations
Montana has now joined Alabama, Alaska and Oklahoma in opposing Bureau of Land Management rules for fracking. These states claim that they already have state regulations that cover it well enough. To some, though, this looks like exactly the sort of situation that calls for Federal regulations. It is, after all, Federal public land and currently, as Interior Secretary Sally Jewell put it, covered by an inconsistent patchwork of different rules. The states worry that Federal regulations will impede oil and gas development. That’s kind of the point – to a point. Better regulations will not stop fracking, just hit pause for a moment, long enough to give some consideration to the amount of water it takes, the types of chemicals it pumps into the ground, and the other, valuable ways the same land could be used. What’s really needed in the current oil and gas boom is more landscape level thinking, like the master leasing plans beginning explored in places like Moab, UT. By looking at the place as a whole, these plans can put energy development where it does the least harm, while protecting wild places and outdoor recreation. One way to tell the BLM might be on the the right track to compromise with the regulations? Everyone, on either side, hates it.

Mountain Goats Introduced, Despite Objections
Why, you might ask, would there be Rocky Mountain goats in the La Sals, the mountain range that forms the snowy backdrop to Moab, Utah? To hunt them, of course. This week, state wildlife officials introduced 20 of the non-native goats, despite opposition from many, including the Forest Service. Part of the concern is for rare plant species and fragile alpine ecosystems in and around a designated natural research area. The wildlife officials contend that the goats will be watched “very, very carefully.” It is unclear whether this will include 24-7 video surveillance to ensure they do not disturb a single leaf. It is also unclear why the state wildlife department, whose mission is primarily to increase hunting opportunities, has authority over the Forest Service, which actually manages the La Sals and is charged with balancing a much broader set of concerns. One thing that is clear, however, is the great track record of successful introductions of non-native species throughout history. Oh wait. What’s next, the reintroduction of wolves to control the goats once they get out of hand?

Fires Burn Right Through Actively Managed Forest
Throughout this summer’s debate about forest fires, there has been a common refrain: If forests were more actively managed, the fires would not be so bad. But recent fires in Idaho burned right through actively managed forests on both public and state land, calling this mantra into question. Active management means different things to different people, be it logging, thinning or prescribed burning. With climate change driving hotter, drier conditions, it appears there is a ‘new normal’ for forest fires, with some that burn with such intensity they can ignore whatever actively managed area stands in their path. Active management is still a valuable tool for fighting fires, but like any, it has limits.